A short review at this point:
I'm really impressed that you've managed to get planet landings etc. right, even if the textures are rather mediocre, it really is a great piece of technology!
On the other hand, the performance is also rather mediocre, which makes me wonder which customers you're trying to address here.
In the direction of Elite, Star Citicien there are Space engineers, Empyrion from smaller studios that are technically very advanced.
You wrote that there might later be new planets with their own stories in episodic format.
I think that's an interesting idea, but in addition to the story and rooms, an entire planet would have to be designed.
Wouldn't it be technically easier to design a city in which I can move around freely and new houses are unlocked per episode?
In my opinion, that's far too much effort for an erotic title and the gameplay is too stretched out for the player.
At best, this game could go in the direction of SpaceJourneyX, which I would find pretty cool, with a game flow like in Star Trucker!
The company is now ‘Metadarkverse’, with its own YT channel, on which the planet was already shown a year ago. I wonder when we can expect a beta or whether we can expect an erotic game at all.
Happy New Year to all!