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 Version 9.9 
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After version 3.1 we will give Patreon more attention.

In order for us to build version 9.9, the X-Moon University, we can use all the help we can get.

We already started building a new engine for it (apart from the dreams engine: I know a risky move).

So we will place a road-path on Patreon that describes how we want to the final product to be and how we want to get there.

Besides a lot of other things it will involve:

Character maker: Using a template character you can design your own character. Change legs, arms, head sizes, breast size, fat layer, color, texture, hair etc etc.
The character will be a very advanced one. We are working on a new soft-body physics that will be remarkable if we can pull it off.

Story creator: Building the stories in XSP now involve a lot of coding. We have developed a new concept for making this a lot easier.
It allows the characters to "think" for themselves. This sounds complicated, but we think it can be done successfully.
Creating a new story will then be more like switching on/off certain aspects of the character, like: who does she like, why is she angry with him, what routine does she have in the world etc.

Larger world: To house the new characters in the world the scenes have to be a lot bigger. We still think that using Maya the way we are doing now is a good starting point. But the houses and objects have to be more template driven. So you pick a scene, some houses, objects, some trees etc and create a new scene with them. We and modders can make new scenes and buildings. The story designer only has to pick the objects suitable for his story, the characters, and place them in the world. After creating their stories press GO, and the story starts.

So all in all a lot of new concepts that we want to present for the Patreon page.

Please everyone, let us know what you think, we very much like the input of the community on this.

In general let us know what you find essential in version 9.9!

Fri Jun 12, 2015 9:47 am
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We already started building a new engine for it

How about using an already available engine? Unity, UE4, etc..

They are free to use ... (you only need to pay royalties after a certain revenue threshold).

Fri Jun 12, 2015 7:17 pm
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I enjoy all the things you've described.

Here a list of features I think about :

- Characters maker : 3d sexvilla style (maybe a bit too complicated and too much things to adjust, but it should be the aim)
* minimal settings :
- boobs (width, top position, gap, cup size etc...)
- ethnicity
- height
- fat/skinny
- hair style

- Clothes settings
- Easier mods integration / combinaison
* create a plugin folder (model, clothes, scenes, stories, objects, poses)
- Add a lot of sex poses (interactive one) when the girls take control of the action.
- Wiki of all the possibles commands (or during the game like TAB key or something)
- Add a bar of happiness/anger/arousal visible or not (toggle) over the girl
- Voice acting of the girls when they talk (generator like Siri or Cortana)
- API for interacting with models (keep on the wiki)
- More genuine reaction :
* when you try to touch the girl and she doesn't want to : she push you or you hand etc
- More stories / quests
- RPG mode : level and you can't reach girls of particular classes :
* simple story : you're a hobo and try to touch a rich girl, you have to work chat with other girls to get famous etc...
* money to buy stuff and offer to the girls (maybe add an inventory or backpack option)

Fri Jun 12, 2015 9:50 pm
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All sounds very promising, I wil give some serious thought ti what I would like to see in 9.9 . :)

Sat Jun 13, 2015 1:18 am
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Sounds awesome, hope you can pull it off. I don't know about essentials but here's what I'd like to see:

- As much character customization as humanly possible, Illusion's last game Play Club is a pretty good example (except for lacking height adjustment)
- As many positions and variations on positions as possible. This is where the current version is lacking the most imo.
- Natural transitions when changing positions, for example the girl is riding you cowgirl style, you ask for a blowjob, she first stops riding you, dismounts you and moves to blowjob position.

Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:53 am
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I still think that XSP needs multi cursor controls.

TherionNLD wrote:
- As much character customization as humanly possible, Illusion's last game Play Club is a pretty good example (except for lacking height adjustment)

This will be evidently corrected in Illusion's upcoming game Sexy Beach Resort. Here's a page that show casing that game's customization features so far..

Speaking of Play Club, Illusion found a way to encode character data into png files. So that users can share custom characters just by uploading the images in their save folders to image boards.

point.png [ 90.16 KiB | Viewed 45257 times ]

See if you can do something similar with your character generator.

Please follow me on Tumblr and Twitter.
XStoryPlayer discussion over at DigitalEro forums.
How to make easy MOD installers.

Sat Jun 13, 2015 6:53 am
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It's the interactive physics that make this game unique. I don't think any of them would be practical in a commercially available engine like Unity, so a custom engine is probably the only practical way to go.

Here are the facets I consider essential to create or improve upon:

1) Pure physics interactions. Picking a pose and starting a canned animation is not interesting. There does, however, need to be some kind of option to automate these interactions at a mechanical level. While simple thrusting is a good start (an improvement on what you can do now with AutoHotKey would be great), perhaps the more open-ended approach would be to have some kind of action record mode which can then be repeated, though sophisticated enough to make sure the player model is brought back to the starting position before the repeat. The female-driven animations should also be extended. The blowjob and doggy-style back-pushing are good starts. Kneeling doggy, cowboy riding, and more pelvic collision tolerance (i.e. no pushing the guy away - he keeps his position and flexes away) should be added.

2) Girl reactions. This is really where the most work needs to be done from what I see in 3.0, which is itself a large (though still incremental) improvement over 2.1. The girls should know what's happening and react appropriately. Different girls should react differently (different preferences, time to orgasm, etc.). An increase in sound diversity is really important here, sooner rather than later.

3) Language recognition and hints. The natural language interaction is something that should definitely stay and be improved. Choosing from a list of responses is boring. Having stories with clusters at pivot points (multiple broadly related ways to get from one segment to the next, with some perhaps skipping ahead and others adding more steps) and more open-ended conclusions would be good. Something more than the existing thought bubble clues would also be great. Perhaps environmental clues that flare up when focused on for a couple seconds, that can be queried to provide clues for how to proceed. Some kind of journal to review acquired information could allow the same kind of interaction where looking at relevant information prompts a thought about how that might be useful in the current situation. Then the timed thought bubbles could be mostly used for helping the player out if the right clues aren't sought.

Beyond those essentials, my other thoughts, in no particular order:

Player movement. It's pretty awkward moving right now, which is partly understandable given that interactive physics are constantly in play. I do think there's still room for improvement here. If there's to be an open world with active movement, some realism needs to be sacrificed to move around more quickly. Perhaps some physics interactions will only be possible when entering certain settings.

Story complexity. The Tiffany story is absolutely unrealistic and absurd. Which is what's perfect about it. Don't make a real-life dating sim. Leave the stories fantastical, with plenty of whimsy. Perhaps a tiny bit of realism can creep in (mostly in how the girl's mood changes with what you say, which requires her being better able to understand and react to it), but too much would completely kill the reason for this game to exist.

VR immersion. I've tried 3.0 with Rift DK2 support, and there are some aspects which need work beyond visibility of the interface. It's a huge pain to look straight down, for one thing, so changing the view origin is essential (PageUp/PageDown is one option I've seen used before). In-game pupillary adjustment would be a boon, as would some adjustment to the mouse cursor to get it to integrate properly (it's pretty much always doubled right now).

Sex toy integration is also something to look at, but the field is a bit of a mess right now. The VStroker is viable to support, once better player animations are implemented. I can only hope it wouldn't require some kind of license fee to support, as there's no publically available API. Juliet Sex Session's support is implemented via an executable that uses hidapi.dll and msvcr100.dll and talks to the USB device. It writes a constant stream of binary values to standard output, which I have not yet spent any time trying to decode. From the other control direction (automated thrusting with feedback to the toy) the RealTouch would have been great, but can no longer be manufactured due to patent nonsense. There's another vaguely similar device by Kiiroo now on the market, but reviews indicate it's pretty subpar. The A10 Cyclone SA might be an option to look at. At the very least it allows custom control via a CSV file, though I'm unsure if it can be controlled effectively on the fly with dynamic content.

Girl variety. Using pre-modelled girls is somewhat limiting. I don't imagine it would be easy to make a custom design interface. I know it's hard enough using one in the many games which allow you to customize your characters appearance. But it might perhaps be enough (if not better) to have a collection of faces that can be tweaked and put on a collection of different bodies that can also be tweaked.

Multithreading on the CPU for physics, and/or OpenCL/DirectCompute on the GPU. Right now, there's a clear CPU bottleneck when dealing with multiple girls. Though I'm sure there's room for efficiency improvements, there will come a point where you have to sacrifice realism to get usable performance. No one running this game will have less than two cores. The vast majority will have four or more. So threading the physics would go a long way. Beyond that, without a lot of fancy 3D effects, many GPU's have plenty of spare capacity on which physics calculations could run.

That's probably enough for now.

Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:28 am
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Love the idea of a character creator. I use daz studio and i don't expect that level of detail to be available here, would be nice lol. but it's awesome you guys are moving forward. Cheers! =)

Sat Jun 13, 2015 9:13 am
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Thanny wrote:
VR immersion. It's a huge pain to look straight down, for one thing, so changing the view origin is essential (PageUp/PageDown is one option I've seen used before).

Whenever I used my DK2 where looking straight ahead in real life wasn't the same as looking straight ahead in VR it made me feel sick really fast.

Sun Jun 14, 2015 1:03 am
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My biggest desire would be to have the option to mod without needing Maya.
It is for some of us who don't have Maya, and are not willing to pirate it, locked out from modding.

Sun Jun 14, 2015 6:32 pm
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