xpadmin wrote:
An important element in a larger world is that the stories continue to proceed.
Even when the main player is not actually present at a specific location to move them forward.
E.g. you have said something nasty to a girl who did not like that.
The next day her friend is also angry with you because of this.
So apparently they have "talked" about this together.
This requires that the characters in the world are also actively interacting with each other, creating a whole new dynamic to the game.
In general it will require a Level of Detail in the stories. The girls did not actually meet in the background, but the engine simulates as if they did.
Maybe add more examples? just thinking out loud....
PC (fill in the blank) girl A =
girl A tells girl B
girl B no longer provides Option 1
PC now has a harder path to work with
Moods of Girl A, B have changed
PC (fill in the blank) girl A =
girl A tells girl B
girl B now provides Option 1 to PC
girl A now has Option 2 available
Moods of Girl A, B have changed
Overly simple, but trying to think generically, would it be any more complicated than a choices/options/consequences tree branch? If so, what is it specifically that would be different?