Did a Youtube clip off it:
https://youtu.be/N5pktQJhbcc First in the start.ini file that you can change to unpack some other file then pack_dungeon:
start_ini.jpg [ 114.47 KiB | Viewed 435487 times ]
In start.ini you can change:
unpack = true;
you can change it to false but pointless to do that. file = "[RUNTIME]pack/pack_dungeon.bin";
here you change with bin file to unpack, so if you want Christmas you instead write "[RUNTIME]pack/pack_christmas.bin" and remember ; should be at the end outpath = "[RUNTIME]pack/";
and here if you want it in a other directory like temp or what ever, "[RUNTIME]pack/temp";Then you run filemaker and it will start directly if all is corect in the ini file:
Filemaker.jpg [ 464.53 KiB | Viewed 436547 times ]
If your observant here you will se i had a error in my start.ini when i took this SS at line 24.
And then you go to pack were it now is unpacked, make a Original folder or temp or call it what you like were you have the Original unpacked dungon, then you simple copy the original in to X Moon Productions\XStoryPlayer 3.5\pack and rename it so you can have more dungons
Pack.jpg [ 81.18 KiB | Viewed 436547 times ]