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 Demonic Master 
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Joined: Sun Apr 13, 2014 6:16 pm
Posts: 65
I completely forgot about this story that I found quite some time ago...
A similar story in XStoryPlayer will be great!! ;) :twisted:

She opened her eyes. Tiredly she yawned and impulsively started to stretch but her muscles clenched and stiffened. She couldn’t move, her mouth went from a yawn to a frown as she looked about her room. She could feel the wind on her naked body, a breeze blowing over her, slightly stiffening her nipples. As she looked around she saw that her hands were bound to the bedpost with soft suede strips that resembled tiny belts, buckle and all. Three were attached to each of her wrists and the headboards frame then locked in place.

“What the hell is going on? she whispered to herself. No one should be here”.

Her family was out of town and she only had her computer for company. As she thought about her situation and wondered how she ended up in this predicament, paranoia started to creep in as her senses heightened. She could faintly hear running water, the sound of light footsteps and soft music coming from her living room. For a moment she thought she could feel the familiar blaze of a fire.

Again, music floated to her, soft whispering lyrics reached her ears…

Dream to music no one can here….Desire, the ashes and the fire, turning this night inside and the light from you….”

Then it was gone again, the sensuous sounds fading into a soft hum of lightly orchestrated reverb of 80s depression New Wave. The footsteps continued, sounding almost if they were a light dance step across the carpet, moving with the helpless desire and sadness the music produced.

She decided at this time, someone was planning something for her, and she feared what it was, even as the atmosphere around her floated like a liquid toxin of sensuality, of tenderness and something vaguely aware of her. Her body couldn’t help but react and she felt her wetness condense and trickle down her mound, caressing her at a creeping pace, as if it had a mind of it’s own, wanting to tease her, prolong her pleasure and excite her. Her nipples rose as the living atmosphere caressed her proud and bare breasts, nerves exploding and sent her sighing quietly in pleasure. Unconsciously her back arched slightly from the apparitional stimulation. Her desire and curiosity were overpowering her fear, and the exotic ambiance of the house relaxed her to a state of mild euphoria. She felt everything in such a sharp manner of sexuality, the fibers of the cotton sheet under her, the smell of rosemary and jasmine incense wafting throughout her house, her enchanting, sensuous house. The breeze became a lovers caress, rolling over her in a wanting embrace. She cried out softly, her body writhing in pleasure as she came, her muscles contracting in on themselves. Her eyes closed, and her mouth smiled.

She awoke again as lyrics pulsed through her, her body still in a state of arousal, her body begged for her, called her to touch herself, bring crashing pleasure to herself. She tried to pull her hands to her slick opening and whimpered as she felt that her wrists were still bound.

“More than I can hold in my hand, running through the gaps like water, aching with a passion inside, deep as the river runs

It sounded like a different passage from the same song as before but this time instead of her not being able to hear the rest of it because the sound faded, but because she was surprised. A man, or rather a shadow of a man was standing in her doorway. He stood straight and walked forward, light reflecting off his dark clothing and illuminating a part of his chin and mouth, but nothing more. As he approached her she knew she should be feeling fear and started to struggle but something made her stop. She felt the fear slipping out of her even as her mind raced to hold onto it, then it was gone. The smell of rosemary and jasmine swallowed her senses as he walked ever nearer until he was finally standing over her, the darkness still hiding most of his face. She looked around and realized the room was lit with candles placed everywhere and rose petals littered her floor. He stood head bowed looking down at her. His face was white like marble, and his lips were rose petal pink. The corner was turned up in a smile, not dangerous, not smirking, but in pleasure.

She tried to turn using her legs to her side and found her legs were bent at the knee and they as well were tied with a suede cuff that linked to another strip of suede which was locked onto her headboard. She couldn’t move her legs at all, to close them or unbend them! Her butt tingled as she saw a satin pillow propped it up. Again instead of fear, sexual cravings creeped across her, causing goose flesh to rise. Her body arched and twisted to be pleasured, by this man standing next to her. She stared, his silver belt buckle, shaped like a wolf with onyx inlaid into it, glinting from candle light, below that the object her body desired, covered by rough denim.

The stranger’s hand slowly moved out of the shadows, his hand marble white, fingernails clear as glass and protruding from black silk. He grazed her neck ever so lightly. Her body reacted instantly, arching, sweat from the candles heat rolling down her body, the wetness between her legs becoming a torrent and soaking her thighs. Spurts of her nectar being ejected forcefully from her body by clenching muscles. His hand continued downward, trailing over her body, causing her to moan until he reached her breast. He circled her nipple with one finger, never touching it, but getting gloser, closer until finally pulling away and continuing the trail down her body to her stomach. When he slowly reached her moist hair, he stopped and brought his hand covered in her sweat to his face and licked the tips of his fingers. A shudder went throughout his body.

His voice came out of the darkness soft and clear, Do you want me? To feel me inside of you, to give you release? Is that what you wish of me”?

She turned her face upward to look at him, her body shivering all over, a mixture of hot from the candles and cold from the slight breeze blowing over her sweat covered body. She could see his face now, all white, clear blue eyes and black hair, looking as if it had just been washed. He was dressed in a black silk shirt the first four buttons open and showing his milky white chest, hairless, the shirt was tucked into black denim jeans. His neck was adorned with a leather cord that held an Eye of Horus, Wisdom. His lips were still I light rose pink , slightly parted she believed in lust.

Again his voice came. Is that what you want”?

“Yes, please, please fuck me she replied. He words spilling from her for the first time. She knew then, with those words there was no turning back.

“Yes, please, fuck me what his voice whispered. I am after all going to please you, so, I feel I should be given my proper respect”.

She knew what he wanted her to say, for a moment, indignation tried to take over, but her want and need won her over again, this was turning her on too much.

“Yes, please fuck me, Master”. The words came to her naturally, she heard herself and realized she sounded beautiful saying it. Yes, please, oh god, please, fuck me, My Master”.

He stepped away from her side and went to the foot of the bed, pulling his silk shirt off of him as he went, his eyes never left hers, his eyes burned with lust and craving. In his eyes she saw everything she felt inside of him. His moves were slow and exotic, almost too perfect to be human. When he reached the end of the bed, his shirt was over her vanity mirror and his bare chest glowed with the intensity of the candlelight. He brought one knee up onto her bed, and then another. Still his eyes connected with hers, willing her not to speak. His tongue snaked out of his mouth and wetted his lips. He looked as though a predator about to devour a prey that had eluded him for some time.

“You are so beautiful, my slave. My pretty, young, virginal slave. You’ve begged at night for a savior and now, I’ve arrived”. His body arched downward at the waste as he said this, his eyes still boring into hers, daring her to resist, to speak. Finally, when his mouth was level with her sex, his eyes closed, and he inhaled deeply.

“So ripe and sweet you are. Your nectar as thick as honey and will probably taste just as fine”.

When his eyes left hers, she felt such emptiness that her body convulsed forward and a moan of longing escaped her lips. She felt that when he was watching her, eyes locked on hers that he was inside her soul. He was a part of her in that instant and she felt complete.

His face grew ever closer to her crotch, she couldn’t help but try to squirm downward to hasten his approach, but she couldn’t move, she was bound too tightly. His tongue finally touched her heat and she jerked in pleasure and let out a loud sigh. His tongue probed around her outer lips, tasting every inch of her, cleaning her up, then was gone. He started to lick her thighs, so close, but not touching her, finally as she started to whimper he bit down gently onto her flesh.

Her scream wasn’t one of pain, but one of shock and ecstasy. His teeth held her gently and his mouth sucked slightly. His tongue flicked gently across her captured flesh. Everything heightened, she had no idea someone could do that with just a bite. Eventually after several immensely pleasurable minutes his head moved back to her sex, again he was smiling in pleasure, and he continued to feast. licking and sucking on her. Pulling her clit gently into his mouth and letting his tongue give it the same treat as he did to her thigh….his teeth grazing her sensitive nub ever so softly. Suddenly he licked downwards, opening her up like a flower until his mouth rested directly over her opening, his tongue still dancing like a snakes. Instead of opening her with his tongue immediately she felt his mouth produce some slight suction, sealing his lips and her opening together. She felt his tongue pushing its way slowly into her and licking the roof of the inside of her sex, seeking something out, then it stopped.

She felt she was so close to coming again, she just needed something more than this, his tongue resting on one place inside of her. Then she felt him apply slight pressure with his tongue, a warm feeling began flooding from her sex, up to her stomach, then her nipples, then to the back of her neck. She was staring, al she could see was the blackness of his hair and the white of his back, and his hand snaking up toward her and finally resting on her clit. As he applied more pressure he stroked the underside of the clits flesh gently and as he did she felt a wave of pleasure crash down upon her, making her, come, but she wasn’t stopping it just kept becoming more and more intense, her words were garbled as she came, her wrists twisting and her back arching forever upwards. She felt her liquid rush down and out of her at a high velocity but his head didn’t move. She thought to him, No, move”!, but her moans continued on. She felt his throat constrict and swallow.

His head rose from her sex and his eyes fluttered open. His blue eyes glowed electric from ecstasy. I knew you would taste wonderful was all he said. He watched her breathe for a moment, her heaving chest, the sweet rolling between the valley of her breasts and the look of shock and joy on her face. He stood up off of the bed, while simultaneously unbuckling his belt.

“You wish to please your Master now, slave”? his hand undid the first button of his jeans as he asked this, then he paused.

Her thoughts raced, Am I ready for this?, Will he hurt me?, none of these thoughts mattered to her though, they were just instinctual. She knew she did want to please him.

“Yes, Master, I beg to please you”. Her voice came out husky, and almost begging. She wanted him more than anything right now and didn’t want to keep him waiting another minute.

With her answer, he smiled and slowly started to undo the rest of the buttons for his jeans, on the last one he hooked his fingers at his sides snd slid them down, bending gracefully at the waist. When he stood, she saw except for the hair on his head and his eyebrows he was completely hairless. His abs were well defined and carried directly down to his pubic region from which his cock stood half erect. It was marble white just as the rest of his skin, and two pale veins pulsed along the shaft. She’d seen pictures before on the net, and knew that his was just above average and fairly thick. He walked slowly around the bed to the side and next to her head.

“Take me into your mouth, slave”. His words were commanding and sure, but still, as always, gentle. She couldn’t believe she was doing this. She had never thought this state of arousal was possible, but the miniature explosions across her skin and in her sex reminded her it was real, and that it was obviously possible.

She took his still half hard cock into her mouth and licked the underside of his velvety head slowly. She heard him moan in approval, so she started applying slight suction, moving her head slowly up and down, taking his shaft deeper. She opened her eyes to see what his reaction was and saw that his mouth was slightly open and his eyes were closed. Sweat had formed on his forehead and he moaned slightly in pleasure. Her heart raced, she was doing this, she was pleasuring a man, and he was enjoying it! She had always been so afraid she wouldn’t be able to.

His eyes opened suddenly and he smiled for the first time, his hand came down and he pulled her hair slightly. God, your mouth works just fine, if you keep this up, your going to make me come. Not that I wouldn’t mind.but.I have something else planned. With that he pulled her head off of his cock which now stood fully erect and precum swelled out of his slit. He crawled onto her body snaking himself between her legs.

“This is it she thought to herself. She looked at his body hovering over hers, his chest slightly aligned with her face. Pressure welled up at the entrance to her cunt. She had heard that the first time hurt, so she was prepared. Finally her sex opened around his head, allowing him entrance. His shaft slowly sunk down into her tight grip and she felt a moment of resistance as he stretched her hymen, and then it broke, but instead of pain, she bucked as another orgasm washed over her, he started pumping himself slowly in and out of her, whispering to her how good she felt. His chest lowered onto hers and his head went to her neck, again he bit her, sucked a little and tickled her flesh with his tongue. After a few more minutes of this she was coming again. He had started pounding harder by now, his flesh slapping against hers, and the sound of her arousal was also heard. They moaned together, a growl coming from his throat. He leaned back upwards away from her neck. He started pounding harder into her and at a rapid pace. His face was a mask of pleasure, and his moaning coincided with hers, her eyes were wide, she was finally going to come with a cock inside of her. She wasn’t a virgin anymore and her fears were now alleviated. She bucked against him as best she could, meeting his thrusts with her own.

“Please, Master, come with me she panted. Let me feel you come inside of me . Her words were cut off as he switched tempo and used his full weight to grind himself into her causing her to lose her breathe as another orgasm started to build. His eyes were locked on hers, and his body was covered in both of their sweat.

“Come, slave, come with me. With those words he thrust one more time, reaching further into her sex, her muscles shuddered in orgasm and she screamed in ecstasy, his growl cut through her and she felt him swell and explode inside of her. He stroked himself inside of her a few more times then stopped. His chest was heaving and his skin was glowing. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. It was incredible, none of her friends would ever believe her…then she felt him start to move, she felt his cock slip out of her, and she felt herself stretching to close. She saw his head disappear between her legs and felt him lapping at her, she exploded in a mini orgasm and his head raised, he crawled forward and kissed her. She tasted his come and hers mixed together, she could also tell that blood was mixed in as well, from his penetration. For several moments their tongues danced and swirled the result of their efforts in each others mouth, then in the same instant, they both swallowed.

He laid against her untying her legs and arms, and as the sun began to rise she fell asleep in his arms. Goodnight, my slave. was all the man said as he walked out, In the morning she would remember all of this as a dream…his brow furrowed in thought. He cleaned every piece of evidence up, then smiled. She’ll believe it’s a dream until she finds these. He placed the bondage cuff back onto the bed and attached one of her wrists.

“Sleep, well, slave, and maybe I will visit you again".

He stood in the window, his body becoming thinner as he grew taller. Finally a pair of wings spread from his back catching the first rays of daylight, thin leather and shaped like an oversized bats. The incubus flew into the early morning air, before his body began to transmute back to his home becoming nothing more than mist.


Wed May 07, 2014 9:10 pm
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