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My opinion on how to make the best adult game is as follows.

The Objective
The objective is split 50/50. For some it is story line +sex, for others it is just sex.
The way around this is to offer both. By this I mean give the PC a choice of actively seducing and winning over the NPC (Story +sex) or just raping her. (Sex)
For the Story +sex make multiple girls available in 1 world all with there own story lines and traits. To take this a step further you can schedule the different girls making them be at work from 0:00 to 0:00 and making them go to places like a shopping mall, swimming pool or beach at random on days off of work.

For the sex, This one will have to be in parts cause it branches to different ideas.
The PC
Make a single PC for the player that can be customized at the start of the game.
Now this might get a little hard to understand. Make each stat start at 1 with a max of 10, the player is given a number of points to assign them.
Strength = (+1 Str, -1 max spd)
Speed = (+1 Spd, -1 max Str)
Intelligence = (+1 Int, -1 max Chr)
Charisma = (+1 Chr, -1 max Int)
Luck = Affects most actions in the game in a small way. From Getting a girl to put out to running from the cops.
Penis Size = Controls how fast a girl orgasms as well as her pain level. Use this same stat for the girls stats but it affects there looseness scale which controls how fast they and the pc orgasm and there pain level. 1 being a virgin and 10 being the type of girl that asks "Is it in yet?"

These stats will mainly be used for a pc job, game physics (move speed, pushscale, and so on), and the rape feature for the girls in case they try to fight before submitting.

The player has the option of raping any of the girls (if he is able to overpower them). However the girls will remember the players actions and will act accordingly in future meetings. Give the girls the option to forgive the player depending on their traits.
The girls call the cops after a rape depending on there traits. The pc then has a random chance of being spotted by the cops and has to chose between giving up or running. Maybe even fighting.
Add the option for the pc to wear a mask to avoid negative affects to pc/npc relationships and police reports.
Add options like getting the girl (NPC) drunk or drugging her instead of using force. "Does this rag smell like chloroform?"

The NPC's AKA The Girls
This is a game and is so meant to offer things not possible or not advisable to do in real life. "She was underage, this is 15-20, don't worry bubba will keep you warm at night"
Offer multiple types of girls from white, asian, alien.
Offer Multiple ages of girls from loli to granny.
Make girls with the right traits attempt the kill the pc on future meeting after rapes/beatings, like a trauma scale which is affected by each rape/beating. Give the cops the option to kill to if the pc fights or runs.
Make girls with the right traits submit to the pc on future meetings after rapes/beatings. Trauma scale.

Others Stuff and Maybes
Give the pc the option to work or steal for money.
Give the PC the option to buy stuff, sexual toys, aids, devices. Furniture for the pc's home. Drugs and weapons.
Give the PC a option to buy a new home with a basement with cages for abducted girls.
Make the Abducted girls die if not feed or if abused to much. (Raped or beat to much)
Give the option to beat a girl into submission if she has the right trait.
Give the PC the ability to get a npc as a girl friend, the npc calls the player, goes on dates, random night visits, pc waking to bj or sex.
Give the PC the ability to pep on the npcs at night.

That's all I can come up with for now, I tried to add options that would cater to the largest buyer base but still to keep it open so players are not forced to do stuff they don't wish to.

If you have any questions and dont understand some thing I wrote post up and I will try to explain it better.

Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:26 pm
Rank 6
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Joined: Sat Aug 17, 2013 4:38 pm
Posts: 21
Good points! I think that sex should be the best part of a game but not the entire one, I mean it gets boring getting her naked in less than 5 minutes :( ... You have to "fight" a bit so it's like a kind of award. Just like in real life. Somehow Bonetown managed to get close to this idea. Anyway, I put a lot of hope in you guys and I do trust your work onto making this game "The Ultimate Sex game". Good luck further! ;)

Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:10 pm
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Joined: Sat Mar 30, 2013 8:43 pm
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What you're talking about sounds like a big budget title, maybe in a couple of years. And whats with all the rape suggestions, remember what happened to that Illusion game.

Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:38 am
Rank 15
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Joined: Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:33 pm
Posts: 230
that is kind of rapelay it is a good game i still play it you go to jail get out and take revenge on her for putting you there but there are no stats in the game for the player just the girls and you can lose in that game too if not careful and start from the beginning i have played some sims games like you are talking about where you go to school and learn how to fight and study and you work for your aunt in this hotel you fight monsters and you find stuff that helps you certain girls like different things one likes watermelons i remember that and one likes turtles and you have to buy them to keep up relationship if not enough stats you had to fight you lose sometimes but when you finished everything you had all the girls you read their diary to find out what they like and dont ,do not let them catch you reading it or you have to fight cause you are in their room without permission ,i like these games they have a little of everything in them they are about 100 days to finish the game but i think xmoon productions is pushing for more where you talk to you girl and she understands what you are saying and she tells some one else what you said good or bad their is no time limit and you can repeat the scene again if you want so to me i havent seen or played a game more complex that this

Tue Feb 19, 2019 7:51 am
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