
New movie for Saiko
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Author:  Raventold [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New movie for Saiko

Maybe it's just me - but it seems her hands look unnaturally long and palms are too light? :shock:

Everything else is excellent!

Author:  Pickled Cow [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New movie for Saiko

Raventold wrote:
Maybe it's just me - but it seems her hands look unnaturally long and palms are too light? :shock:

Everything else is excellent!

I've been scrubbing the video, there's not really a good view her hands in there to judge them.

Author:  boltness [ Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New movie for Saiko

Raventold wrote:
Maybe it's just me - but it seems her hands look unnaturally long and palms are too light? :shock:

Everything else is excellent!

her hands size is i believe the normal length, but was is strange is her wrists, They are as fat as the rest of her hands while it should be thinner. (always speaking for a girl of her size)

Author:  Tobz [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 5:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New movie for Saiko

I'm very impressed by the multiple layers of clothing. That is something huge. Maybe we could get removable stockings or socks sometime down the road. ;)

New rooms are always nice to see, along with some new furniture models. The music sounds like it's clipping a bit; it's kind of harsh on the ears. That might need the gain rolled back some.

Could you let us in on what else needs to be done before release? Changes are looking great so far so, it'd be nice to see a completion percentage on it!

Author:  xpadmin [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New movie for Saiko

The release is at ~ 45%, so there is still more to do.

Among other things:

- Tying emotion of faces and gestures and AI scripts together. These separate elements are already build, as seen in the Samantha blowjob movie.
But they have to be integrated to use them in the story.

- Build tentacle creatures physics. The tentacle creatures are already designed but the physics of the tentacles and animations are not completed.

- Create scenes. The laboratory is already finished, but Saiko's room and the office have to be build

- Finish Monica. She is almost done, but I have to finish her genitalia. Also create her clothing. Stockings?

- Tie everything together. The groundwork for all elements is done, but everything has to be integrated and tied together into 1 story.
I want to end with both girls in the laboratory, so that will take some optimization. But it will be possible I think. We have optimized several elements in the engine to improve performance.

So the work is going good, but all the details take some more time then I hoped. I will keep showing updates to keep you informed of the progress.

Author:  TherionNLD [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New movie for Saiko

xpadmin wrote:
- Finish Monica. She is almost done, but I have to finish her genitalia. Also create her clothing. Stockings?

I wouldn't say no to stockings :D

xpadmin wrote:
I want to end with both girls in the laboratory, so that will take some optimization. But it will be possible I think. We have optimized several elements in the engine to improve performance.

That's great news, the more the merrier! Maybe add this option into free mode as well like playing with Tiffany & Monica. Hell, add 3 or 4p for those with bad ass enough PC's to handle it ;)

Author:  Munky [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New movie for Saiko

xpadmin wrote:

A definite yes. :-)

TherionNLD wrote:
Hell, add 3 or 4p for those with bad ass enough PC's to handle it ;)

The win is strong with this one.

Author:  NTNgear [ Thu Jan 16, 2014 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New movie for Saiko

I have a small suggestion that could help with the whole "cloth removal" thing, for those who find having to tug on the cloth multiple times to be a bit tedious.

I suggest having an optional "instant remove" system, done by holding down a second button while dragging with the left mouse button. Basically you would click and drag on the cloth with (for example) the left and right mouse buttons pressed, tug at the cloth, and the cloth would then fade out of existence, therefore negating the need to keep on tugging at the cloth multiple times for it to drop to the floor.

Of course it would work best if you limited it only to clothing that had all possible clasps undone, to avoid people making the dress instantly disappear without undoing it.

Or, if you want it to be slightly more immersive, you could include commands such as "take off your bra", which if successful would make the character play a generic "taking off cloth" animation while the item in question fades out of existence.

Author:  XENOMORTIS [ Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New movie for Saiko

Konnichiwa Saiko!! ;)

She looks amaaazing!!!!

Author:  Draico [ Mon Apr 21, 2014 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New movie for Saiko

I'm liking the Saiko model, very pretty.

I find the hip area to bother me. Its not anatomically correct but other that shes great.

I room needs to have more things to make it look like an artists room.

I cant wait to play the latest update.

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